TT281 Resources

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JavaScript Books

Designing with JavaScript: A Definitive Introduction. by Nick Heinle & Bill Pena, O'Reilly Web Studio, 2001. ISBN:156592360X
Not a book for the absolute beginner but for those with some HTML and the basics of JavaScript. Easy to follow, it covers programming principles as well as JavaScript, with many practical and informative examples.

How to do Everything with JavaScript by Scott Duffy. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2003. ISBN:0072228873
Simple enough for the beginner but covers intermediate and more advanced areas.

JavaScript Design by W.B.Sanders. Pub. New Riders, 2001. ISBN:0735711674
Goes through each aspect of JavaScript and focuses on giving a thorough understanding of programming JavaScript. Advanced sections show how to incorporate JavaScript with other backend programming languages such as ASP, PHP and Flash.

Fun Web Pages with JavaScript. J.Shelley, Babani Computer Books, 2002. ISBN:0859345203
This book assumes a good knowledge of HTML. Introduces JavaScript and some fundamentals of programming in simple terms. Easy to read.

JavaScript: A beginner's Guide. J.Pollock, 2001. ISBN:0072131403
Hands-on, step-by-step tutorial.

JavaScript/DHTML Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Web Programmers. by D.Goodman, O'Reilly Press, 2003, ISBN:0596004672
This is full of small code items and presented in Q&A format. Better to use once you have a reasonable feel for the basics.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. 4th Ed. O'Reilly Press, 2001. ISBN:0596000480
This is probably the best reference book for JavaScript, clearly outlining all objects and their associated methods, plus offering comments on cross-browser compatibility. It isn't a good book to learn JavaScript from. Has a good index and organisation. Intended for intermediate/advanced JavaScript programmers.

General JavaScript tutorials

Web Monkey's excellent tutorial.
You can work through the basic tutorials then move on to the advanced tutorials. There are plenty of code examples to use. The basic tutorials assume no JavaScript knowledge, but HTML knowledge is required.

DevGuru JavaScript Quick Reference.
Not strictly a tutorial but a reference guide for JavaScript and other scripting areas. More suitable for intermediate/advanced users.

Voodoo's Introduction.
Covers much of the course material, download as pdf files.

W3Schools Site.
Lots of examples and tutorials covering all aspects of JavaScript. There's a quiz to check your progress.

JavaScript World.
Companion site to the course text book. Contains all the code examples.

Weiss' JavaScript Tutorial.
Not for beginners. Is aimed at those with programming experience. Focus is the syntax and methodology of JavaScript.

JavaScript QuickStart Guide.
Introduces JavaScript from the basics up. Assumes a knowledge of HTML. Includes a section on regular expressions.

Comp.lang.javascript FAQ.
Probably one of the biggest JavaScript FAQ resources, compiled from the newsgroup.
JavaScript reference and tutorials.

ECMAScript Language Specification
Downloadable pdf file giving the standard specifications of ECMAScript.

JavaScript-friendly editors

Is a full-featured, highly customisable development environment that can be used to create and develop web pages. Many plug-ins available, including JavaScript.


Array Power, Part 1.

Array Power, Part 2.

Both show you how to use new array methods in old browsers.


JavaScript cookie library.

Unescaping and splitting cookies.

Regular Expressions

The Regex Coach - Testing regular expressions. Extremely useful.

Using Regular Expressions in Form Validation.

Extensive library of regular expressions - modify and test expressions on the spot.

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

DHTML scripts and tutorials.


W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification.

DOM ECMA Script Language Binding.


Tunna Resources

Bobby Worldwide

Web Accessibility Initiative

Dive into Accessibility

A-Prompt - Web Accessibility Verifier

RNIB Accessibility

Browsers - View your site in different browsers, inc. Safari on the Mac.

Avant - Based on IE.








Code Collections

The JavaScript Vault.
Over 700 assorted scripts available as one download (1 MB size).
A large resource for JavaScripts.

The JavaScript Source.
Lots of cut and paste JavaScript code.
Very extensive list of code, covering all levels of skill. You may have to register (free) to download code. There are also tutorials.

Tutorials and lots of code examples, basic and advanced. Also DHTML.

Code Lifter
Free cut and paste JavaScript.

Brain Jar
Home of the DOM Viewer, a tool that lists the properties and methods of various objects.

JavaScript About.
JavaScript code that works across many browsers.

Other Resources

Computing Dictionary.