MT262 Block 4

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The home stretch!

This is the final block of the course, and continues on with the graphical theme. How to draw lines and circles and some of the maths behind this, but don't worry, you don't need A level maths to do this! It's more a case of the maths is there to show you the logic behind some of the processes, but is not something you need to be able to do for yourself. Just be aware it's there behind the scenes!

Emulation is pretty interesting and useful. The microwave oven is the example used in the course, and it is gone into in some detail. You'll need to follow what's happening as you will have to write your own emulation for the TMA.

Just a few words about Unit 4. This is a revision Unit with no new material in it, and there are exercises and problems for you to solve if you so desire, or want extra practice. It is good to use some of these for revision is you have the time.

TMA preparation

TMA 04 consists of two questions, one of which involves writing a game. We had to write a game which used hand-eye coordination using the TShape component. This was great fun although frustrating at times to get to work, and was far too time-consuming! The other question was an emulation of a coin-changing machine, which I found relatively easy to do, as many of the techniques involved had been covered earlier in the course. Again, make sure you have answered all the required parts of the questions and included your files on floppy disk and any printouts required.


On to Exam and Revision