Pixel grown up
[Pixel dozing]
We moved to a new house in the countryside when I was 5 months old. We live in a bungalow on a farm. I worried my mummy sick when I disappeared for 5 hours one winter afternoon, and she had to go looking for me all over the farm. When Daddy got home he came looking for me and I heard him calling, and ran out of a big shed. I'd got lost and couldn't find the way back - well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It was late and I was hungry.

Anyway, that's me grown up in the picture - relaxing in the cat roll of the big cat house we've got. Luxury!
This is my first birthday - April 23, 2000. Shakespeare's birthday, too! What does that say about me? I do have a lot to say. Anyway, back to the birthday. Mummy got me an orange and lemon cake and put a candle in it. I don't know what it's supposed to do, though. Do I play with it? Well, I don't know, do I? It's only my first birthday, after all.
[Pixel's first birthday]
[Pixel at desk]
Hmm - now, it's time I was getting back to my Open University studies. What, a cat at the OU? you ask. Why, I help my Mummy with her studies. I organise her papers and get all those nasty pens off the surface of the desk. They do clutter up the table top. And I make sure Mummy doesn't study too long by sitting firmly in the middle of her books when time's up (usually 5 minutes after she's started. Well, that's quite long enough to study, don't you think?)
Here I am reading one of Daddy's favourite papers - Computer Weekly. I must say there aren't many Whiskas ads in there, though, so I'm not sure what he sees in it. I have a very close look at what he's reading, especially in bed, when the paper is spread out on the covers. I don't know why Daddy starts getting cross, though. I'm only checking out the paper for him.

I also like to help out at the computer. I often sit at the keyboard and enter a few keystrokes to help Daddy. Pity it was the Delete key last time. Oh, well, that's what comes of having big paws.
[Pixel on paper]
[Pixel in cat house]
Look at me relaxing in my cat house. There's a good view from up here. I can check out what everyone's doing. And I can stockpile the toys up here. I can watch the girls go by - grrr!!! Or I can jump on those pesky kittens Mummy and Daddy brought home.
Now, time for a snack. I make sure the fridge is well-guarded. Lots of nice tuna in there, and sardines.
[Pixel on fridge]
[Pixel's dot]
By the way, did I show you my pixel marking? Distinctive, isn't it?
Let's find somewhere snug to doze. I prefer Mummy's mohair rug - she doesn't mind. I like peace and quiet when I want a nap, so I don't like the TV on or light. I curl up in the bedroom where it's usually quiet, or even under the bed if it's too bright.
[Pixel in mohair]
[Pixel on microwave]
Here's where I sleep at night, on top of the microwave oven. Mummy and Daddy put boxes and mats and rugs in here at night, but I still prefer the microwave. It's good 'cos it's up high and in the corner of the kitchen, so no-one can surprise me. An oven glove is nice to rest on, as well.
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