
Java Everywhere

Course begins on 5th February 2005.

This is a first presentation of the new course. The First Class conferences open on 17th January 2005, as does the M254 Desktop. The course materials (first despatch) have now arrived. Unfortunately these don't contain the Course Guide, Software installation information, course activities or assignments. For those we have to wait until the course desktop opens.

The missing course materials went up on the desktop on the 2nd February, so a start can now be made! The software used is Borland JBuilder 4 Foundation. The software installation guide appeared on the Destop just prior to the start date of the course. Also included is software for Unit 10, but we don't need to install that until much later in the course.

Course Structure

M254 consists of 10 Units:


An interesting assessment pattern. There are four TMAs. They are each worth a different percentage of the total assessment:
  • TMA 01 - worth 10% - due 24th March.
  • TMA 02 - worth 25% - due 28th April.
  • TMA 03 - worth 30% - due 23rd June.
  • TMA 04 - worth 35% - due 15th September.
A quick look through the assignments reveals a lot of coding to be done. The first two TMAs seem to be entirely coding. The third looks to have some other questions as well, concerned with how some Java code will behave. The final TMA is about GUI construction, plus some client-server stuff. There are a couple of shorter questions which require 200 or 300 word answers. Overall, a lot of practical work in terms of programming, so we should hopefully acquire some good Java skills by the end of the course.

At the end of the course will be a three-hour exam. The exam and the course work are weighted at 50% for each component.

Unfortunately I've had to drop out of this course whilst doing Unit 7 due to computer and health problems.